Beauty of Nature
Golden light dancing in to my arms,
With diamonds flowing, intrepid calms.
On bended knee I look up in love,
To the beauty of life bestowed Above.
With swirls of White Light covering all,
In my white dress I now stand so tall.
Beckoning all the butterflies and bees,
Singing amorously to the oak trees.
Intrepid, intriguing, beautiful in love,
To feel one with the nature all Above.
With rushes of light that enclasps my being,
In a gentle swirl I come up to sing.
Beauty of Nature, My love my call,
You have given me all to stand tall.
In your loving anthems I am amply blest,
Atuned in peace, love, and beauty caressed.
By Anisha Achankunju (C) 5th February 2012