June 1, 2012

An Un-despised Hymn - Peter Atta Brown

~~ an Un-despised hymn ~~


 ~~   After the visiting spirits had gone  ~~
                 and the purifying dews ceased their
                            sprinkling at dawn,
                  I picked my life fom the ground
                  like a dropped apple,deserted
                         by it's weary branch
                            I  whispered
               an undespised hymn in consolation,

               uncurse the tears you have wasted 
           over fruitless years with coward hearts
                   and regret not the toils that
                       brought you no reward
               Forgive yourself all the troubles 
       that tease your memory openly like a clown,
               the World itself does not know
                         where to stand,
                      to be a cunning fool
                           a witty cynic,
                  to be a friendly hopping
                            tamed dog
                             a smoke 
                     puffing deadly bull 
                             in a circus.

                   Belittle no chance over 
                         pain or pleasure,
                      in a thirsty patience,
                             desire both
                   hugging arms   and feet,
                          taste and spit
            if so be it that your soul be sanctified,
                                 this way,
                  you shall celebrate the 
                      breath held in you,
                 appreciate the suffering 
                    death promised to all 
                  ~~ at the tiring end.~~

atta brown

  (c)copyright 2012
peter atta brown


  1. Mr. Poet, please tell us is this poem is the true translation of your life and how you view reality?

  2. This is a very interesting question,and in trying to answer it,I might implore all the things that I fear but still refuse to believe,so I wouldnt say much...most of my poems come from the ''spiriual me'' and from the very core of my soul,I see this poem as a message received and partly lived in reality and spiritually...in the reality of life,the things captured in this poem do not differ that much,they stand as real as one's soul decodes it.

  3. Leave a comment, question or suggestion for the poet. This piece is really good.


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