The Last Dance
by Prem Anand R
Torn is the hearts that bleeds
For lovers lost as the dawn bleeds
From the dusk that only in twilight brings
That night and day collides in crimson bane
We will meet like cursed lovers torn
Like magical verse from ranting born
Seeking darkness where once light shone
Beneath the graves of lover’s torn
Free spirits that rise to embrace
Misty dancers of lover’s dead
Fleeting with graceful solace
Starry nights with lunar shines
Shadows play between its light
Silence is as crickets play
An orchestra of nature swings
With fireflies are nature‘s stars
Shining like a guiding light
For the path of broken hearts mend
And the lovers dance their last dance
By the graves of Romeo and Juliet
Torn is the hearts that bleeds
For lovers lost as the dawn bleeds
From the dusk that only in twilight brings
That night and day collides in crimson bane
We will meet like cursed lovers torn
Like magical verse from ranting born
Seeking darkness where once light shone
Beneath the graves of lover’s torn
Free spirits that rise to embrace
Misty dancers of lover’s dead
Fleeting with graceful solace
Starry nights with lunar shines
Shadows play between its light
Silence is as crickets play
An orchestra of nature swings
With fireflies are nature‘s stars
Shining like a guiding light
For the path of broken hearts mend
And the lovers dance their last dance
By the graves of Romeo and Juliet